Thursday, October 10, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2010

Why You Get Swollen Cheeks After Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you've had your wisdom teeth out, the picture above probably looks familiar. When I got my wisdom teeth out around ten years ago, our insurance wouldn't...

The Vipeholm Study: Learning About Dental Cavities

The Vipeholm Study was a study that dental researchers conducted on a group of mentally challenged residents of the Vipeholm Institution. Dental researchers fed mentally...

Rubber Dental Dams: What They Are and Why Dentists Use Them

Have you ever gone to the dentist and had them put a big rubber blanket over your mouth? In 1864 (nearly 150 years ago), a New...

How Plaque Disclosing Tablets Can Help You Brush Better

Would you vacuum your carpet if it didn't look dirty?  Probably not. Unfortunately, many people look in the mirror and don't see anything on...

Dental Cleanings: Are Ultrasonic Cleanings Better than Hand Instrument Cleanings?

Recently, an anonymous reader sent me a question asking about the differences between the instruments that dentists can use for cleanings.  It reads: For...

Why Dentists Extract Wisdom Teeth

Sometimes, wisdom teeth come in normally and provide the mouth with another set of  powerful, food-crushing molars.  Unfortunately, that is the exception and not...

Can You Cure a Toothache by Putting an Aspirin On It?

You can't cure a toothache by putting an aspirin on it.  In fact, if you hold aspirin against a tooth long enough, it can...

Why Don’t You Go to the Dentist?

Recently, a woman with many cavities came to the dental school.  Her two upper front teeth were so decayed that we almost couldn't put...

Are Your Pots and Pans Altering Fluoride Levels In Your Cooked Meals?

Did you know that you could be tripling the level of fluoride in your water just by cooking in a Teflon-coated pot or pan? ...

How to Tell if Your Dentist Has a Good Infection Control Program

I'm a bit of a germophobe.  Learning in my microbiology class at dental school that there are literally millions of bacteria living on me...

When a Crown or Bridge Falls Out, Go Visit Your Dentist

A couple of days ago, a middle-aged woman who we'll call Beth, brought a crown into the dental school in a plastic bag.  Her...

How to Take Care of Your Custom Athletic Mouthguard

There are many reasons to have the protection of an athletic mouthguard. A mouthguard protects your teeth when you participate in physical activities that are...

Children’s Medicine: How to Keep Cough Syrup from Causing Cavities

A quick walk down the aisle at your local pharmacy will reveal an alarming amount of sugar.  Most medicine that we give our children...

Don’t Treat Your Teeth Like Tools

This past weekend I went shopping with my wife and got a couple of new shirts.  The tags were stuck onto the shirts with...

Mamelons: The Bumps On Your Child’s Permanent Teeth Are Normal

Have you ever noticed the little bumps on a brand new permanent front tooth in your child's mouth? Sometimes parents think that their children's teeth...

Alkaline Water: Is It Good For Your Teeth?

Have you heard of alkaline water?  If not, you might soon hear about it from a multi-level-marketer near you. Earlier this week, I talked...

Why You Have to Have Rubber Bands On Each Tooth With Braces

Louise, a reader from Pennsylvania recently wrote in to ask why you need to have rubber bands on each individual tooth with a bracket...

Periodontal Disease – Not Cavities – Is the Leading Cause of Tooth Loss

If someone asked you what the #1 cause of tooth loss is in people over age 35, what would you guess? If you're like most...

How A Space Maintainer Will Look In Your Child’s Mouth

A few months ago, I wrote an article detailing why it would be necessary for a child to get a space maintainer.  A space...

How to Really Win a Dental Malpractice Lawsuit

A few months ago, a dental malpractice insurance company came to my dental school and shared many different dental malpractice cases with us. One that...

The Experience Dental Students Get Before They See Real Patients

Many people are skeptical about visiting dental schools to receive dental care because they are worried about a lack of experience on the student's...

Dental Fear Central: Calm Your Dental Anxiety

Many of the patients we see at the dental school have developed cavities and needed extensive dental work for just one reason: They were...

What Fermentable Carbohydrates Are & How They Hurt Your Teeth

Fermentable carbohydrates. You may have heard that phrase before and wondered what it means.  In this article, I'll let you know what fermentable carbohydrates are...

Why Children and Adolescents Can’t Get Dental Implants

Many teenagers lose their teeth due to various accidents and are unable to save their knocked out teeth by re-implanting them.  In order to...

Three Videos of Laser Lingual Frenectomy Procedures

A lot of people delay getting things done due to a fear of the unknown.  A few months ago, I wrote about how children...

A Popping Click When You Open Your Jaw Is Pretty Common

If you experience a popping sound, a grating sound, or a click when you open your mouth, you're not alone. Many people have slight problems...

The Nine Dental Specialties: What You Should Know

When you go to your family dentist, chances are that you are visiting a general dentist.  This is a dentist that has completed four...

How Much Fluoride Is In a PPM (Part Per Million)?

Have you ever wondered exactly how much fluoride is in your drinking water?  Usually fluoride is measured using the vague unit ppm.  The abbreviation...

Is Sparkling Water Bad For Your Teeth?

Lately, my wife and I have been trying to kick our habit of carbonated beverages with sugar and artificial sweeteners.  To fill the void,...

Why Dentists Need to Take Impressions of Your Teeth

As I've been assisting the third and fourth-year dental students in the clinic over the past couple of years, I've had the opportunity of...

How a Chipped Tooth Can Be Repaired With a White Composite Filling

Breaking one of your front teeth is something that nobody wants to go through, but unfortunately it is a common occurrence.  Luckily, modern dentistry...

How to Identify Acidic Foods and Drinks

Food companies are able to sneak acids into lots of the foods we eat.  On Wednesday, I wrote about the three dangers of eating...

Sour Patch Kids: Your Teeth’s Worst Enemy

One of my favorite things to eat as a kid was Sour Patch Kids. I remember the first time my mom gave me some;...

Six Reasons Why You Should Wear a Protective Mouthguard

Common sense dictates that it's a good idea to wear a mouthguard if you play contact sports or engage in any activity where you...

How Can Gold Fillings and Crowns Work When Gold Is So Soft?

Recently, a reader asked how gold could be used in the mouth when it is so soft.  It would seem like the high forces...

Try To Keep Your Teeth Below Freezing

Inside of your mouth everyday there is a war going on.  Tiny bits of your teeth become casualties to the acidic weapons of your...

The Five Sugars That Hurt Your Teeth

Did you know that carbohydrates are really sugars?  Carbohydrates are just long chains of sugars hooked together.  Fortunately, the bacteria in our mouths can't...

What to Do When You Lose a Filling from Your Tooth

Earlier this week, I wrote about what you should do when a crown falls off.  Today, I will discuss what you should do when...

Teeth Whitening Scam Company Sells Defective Teeth Whitening Gel

Today, I watched a news report about a teeth whitening scam company called White Overnight. The news report was able to uncover some interesting...

What You Should Do When a Crown Falls Off of Your Tooth

A few years ago, I was hanging out with one of my friends.  He was biting into a sandwich and his crown came out...

The Two Ways that Sensodyne Toothpaste Reduces Tooth Sensitivity

Does the thought of eating ice cream or any cold foods make you cringe because you know how bad your teeth will hurt? You...

Pulpitis: What’s the Difference Between Reversible Pulpitis and Irreversible Pulpitis?

There are lots of different reasons why you might feel pain coming from your tooth.  One of the more common reasons is called pulpitis. ...

A Teeth Whitening Scam Company is Facing a Lawsuit

You've probably seen their advertisements online.  If not, I put some examples to the left. They all go by different names, like Everbrite, Celebrity Smile,...

What to Do When Your Child’s Baby Tooth Gets Knocked Out

What should you do when your child comes to you crying with a bloody mouth and a tooth in their hand? A normal reaction...

Nine Steps to Take When Your Permanent Tooth Gets Knocked Out of Your Mouth

No matter how careful people are, there always seems to be a way to knock out a tooth. When a tooth gets knocked out,...

A Map Comparing Water Fluoridation Levels from 1992 to 2006

Lately, I have been researching water fluoridation a lot.  I'm almost obsessed with it.  The anti-water-fluoridationists are extremely vocal and passionate.  Those who feel...

Pain Caused By a High Filling – Why It Happens and How to Fix It

If you've ever received a filling at the dentist's office, you probably vaguely remember the dentist putting a piece of colored paper in your...

Six Reasons Why You Should Visit Your Dentist Before Trying to Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone wants white teeth.  Let's face it, a beautiful smile makes almost everyone more attractive! But before you call the number on the latest infomercial...

Why Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Isn’t Making Your Teeth Any Whiter

Many people buy so-called "Teeth Whitening" toothpaste hoping to get whiter teeth.  For many people, these toothpastes do not provide whiter teeth.  Is this...

The ADA Seal of Acceptance: Everything You Need to Know

The American Dental Association's Seal of Acceptance can be found on many dental products ranging from denture adhesives to toothpaste.  There are over 300...

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