Many teenagers wonder what they’ll look like with braces, and what colors of rubber bands will look best with their hair color and facial tone. Judging by the comments on this article about braces colors, I decided it would be a good idea to create a post with dozens of pictures of teenagers with braces so you can get a general idea of how you’ll look with braces.
As you take a look at the pictures below, you may notice that some people look confident with braces, and some people don’t. If you try to smile and look proud of your braces, people will see you as more confident, and you’ll likely enjoy having braces more. It all comes down to attitude.
Hopefully there’s someone here that looks similar to you!
60 Photos of Teenagers with Braces
This blond young woman appears confident as she smiles, showing off a pink powerchain on her upper braces.
This young man appears confident even though he wears glasses and his braces pop right out at you. Even with the braces and glasses, he proudly shows off blue and orange colored bands around his braces.
This blond-haired, blue-eyed young woman smiles, showing off gray and green colored bands around her braces.
This blond-haired, blue-eyed young woman sports silver-colored elastic bands around her braces.
This brown-haired, blue-eyed young man is sporting blue and green colored elastics on his braces.
This young woman is proudly smiling, showing her blue elastics on her upper braces.
This young woman is rocking a few different shades of blue elastics on her braces: light green, teal, and blue.
This blond-haired, blue-eyed young woman is smiling, displaying her upper and lower braces with black and pink-colored elastics.
This young man is smiling enough that we can see his red elastic bands on his upper braces.
This young woman is smiling big enough to show off her upper and lower braces with pink elastics.
This young woman probably needs to work on her smiling skills! She’s displaying pink and green colored elastics alternating on the top teeth with green bands on the lower four front teeth with pink bands next to them.
This young man smiles, showing off blue-colored elastic bands on his braces.
This young woman looks pretty happy with the world, showing off pink and green colored elastics.
This young woman smiles revealing a silver powerchain that links the braces on her upper teeth.
This young man isn’t afraid to prove to the world that pink isn’t just for girls.
This young woman is seen sporting a popular choice for braces colors: pink and green.
This young woman also thinks highly of the colors green and pink.
This young man has chosen blue and green for his elastics.
This young lady has chosen silver elastic bands that match the silver color of her braces.
This young man displays a blue powerchain on his braces. He can’t contain his large smile as he listens to an audio version of
This blond lifeguard rocks a pink powerchain.
This young woman chose white elastics to help hide the silver color of her braces. Although white bands can be a good choice for some, many teenagers with braces find that they make their teeth look more yellow.
This young man confidently smiles, unafraid to show the world that he has braces.
This young woman has ceramic brackets, which don’t stand out quite as much as the silver brackets.
This young man isn’t trying to hide the fact that he wears braces. His strategy seems to have garnered the interest of at least one woman.
This fashionable young woman probably enjoys the bling her braces add to her outfits…and it looks like she can’t stop looking at the attractive fellow in photo #25!
This young woman confidently displays her braces for the world to see.
This young man’s confidence goes a long way at convincing the viewer that he is comfortable with his braces.
This young lady’s mouth just needs some Christmas lights to be all ready for the holidays.
This young brunette displays her top-notch oral hygiene skills by using an interdental cleaner to help keep her pearly whites healthy.
This young man is having a fabulous hair day as he shows off his ceramic braces which are designed to hide the fact that the person has braces.
This confident young woman shows off her braces.
This young woman probably wouldn’t be smiling so big if she knew she lost her braces wire.
This young man confidently smiles, letting the world know that he’s proud of his braces.
This red-haired, blue-eyed young woman sports her Damon braces with confidence.
This brown-haired young woman shows off her braces with purple-colored elastics.
This young man proudly sports some light-green colored bands and a thin mustache.
This dark-brown-haired young woman proudly shows off her braces.
This young woman shows us through her big smile that it is possible to maintain beautiful teeth even while wearing braces.
This young woman is trying to make her teeth appear whiter by going with an off-white elastic band.
This teenage young lady shows that you can still look good during the initial phase of braces while your teeth are still crooked.
This young lady shows off a sweet, innocent smile with her braces.
This young woman shows off her Damon braces with a confident smile.
This teenage girl recently had her braces put on. If we give her a few months, she’ll soon move from a half-smile to a full, confident smile.
This young man is trying to distract from his braces with some facial hair.
This young woman cleverly distracts the viewer from her braces to her eyes. One way to take the emphasis off of your braces is to guide the attention away from your mouth to other features. She does this with her eye shadow and her large earrings.
This young woman’s braces are barely noticeable. You can ask your orthodontist about more aesthetic options such as ceramic braces and lighter-colored wires.
This teenage girl just got her braces, and is still getting used to smiling with them.
This young man proudly shows off his gray and green colored elastic bands for his braces.
This young woman displays a confident smile with her braces.
These teenage girls are having fun swimming. It’s important to remember that braces don’t define who you are,!l Life continues to go on and you can participate in the same activities you did before you had braces.
#51 and #52
You can see the same teenager in the above and below photos. Notice how the different smile totally changes the appearance of her whole face. After you get braces, practice smiling and speaking in front of a mirror, as the braces will make your mouth feel different.
This young man can confidently laugh at a joke. Don’t be afraid to let people know you have braces, because they will probably notice even if you try to hide it.
This young woman has consulted with her orthodontist about aesthetic optiosn to help disguise braces.
This teenage girl has taken some of the focus off of her braces by wearing glasses that stand out with purple frames.
This young lady is still working on getting her smile right with braces, as she’s scrunching up her nose a little bit, causing more of her upper gums to show.
This teenage boy proudly waves, desperate to show off his braces to anyone who will look.
This teenage girl takes some of the focus off of her braces with some green eye shadow.
This young blond-haired teenager proudly displays her braces with confidence.
This young woman disguises her braces with a white powerchain.
Be Confident
Hopefully this sampling of photos of teenagers with braces has helped you see how you might look with braces.
One of the most important takeaways is to simply be confident with braces. They are temporary – they won’t define who you are. You might as well be confident while you have them.
If you have any questions about braces, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!
Thanks ao much! I’m getting my braces on St.Patricks day.
How are they I’m getting mine today
I have braces and it’s my 4th year and I need them for six years and I have the power chain in silver
My name is kailee too and coincidentally it’s spelt exactly the same. And I also have braces
Don’t cared
It’s funny how their are 5 black people out of 60 and none of them are boys.
Getting my braces today!
I’m getting braces and a bit nervous on how they, look, what colours would suit me if I have brown hair and blue eyes
i think red would look good!
My youngest daughter will get her braces in 2 months, you can imagine how sad she is. Any tips on how to comfort her?
Thanks for that ! the braces looks good ..
I am getting braces in 2 month and i dont no what colors to get.I have light brown eyes and black hair.
Stick to light blues, greens, pinks. dark blue is also nice, but the reason why I recommend those colors is because they compliment white, and will make your teeth seem whiter. I have dark brown eyes and black hair. Pink is also a nice color, but you should clean your teeth more profusely than usual. You can definitely experiment, but be careful because once you get a color, you can’t take it off for another 6-8 weeks. I got my braces off, trust me when I say that you will become pretty used to wearing braces.
I have braces on for like 4months now and to be honest I have a hard time choosing colors…need help!!!
I first chose 2 colors, and I admit, its looks uggglllyy. just stick to one color, maybe choose one of your fav colors. go on google and look up people with braces and find wat u like. some nice colors are purple, green, blue, black, pink. don’t get white unless u have ceramic braces, cuz it’ll soon stain and look yellow, so ya, I hope this helps
I git my braces november 14 and i was scared at first but i like them now and im getting my color change on december 20 i need helo with my colors…..
I’m 26 and got my braces on last summer. I went to the orthodontist for a consult and when it was time to schedule my next appt I was told the boy who was getting his braces on that morning just called in to reschedule. He had the flu. They asked if I would like to get started with treatment immediately. I did. They did the impressions then put my braces on.. 2 hrs later I was done. As they finished up I’m asked to lift my head. Then I realize I have headgear on. I’m 26 and we never talked about me wearing headgear. So the orthodontist comes back and says I will need to wear it nights for the ultimate smile. Ok, it’s too late at this point. If I had it to do over I wouldn’t have rushed things getting my braces on. I’m really not to cool wearing headgear at my age. I’m supposed to put it on at 4pm and wear it til the next morning. I don’t get out of work until 4 and I’m not wearing headgear to work. I try to make up time on weekends. Also I got regular metal braces on top and bottom. I have a mouth full of metal braces And hate it. It looks like my teeth are black. I wished someone had mentioned those clear brackets you can barely see because I would have gotten them. At least on my front top 6 teeth. Live and learn right. I’m happy I got braces and I’m almost 1/3 of my way thru treatment. I will wear headgear when I take the red eye to LA, to a late movie, walking the dog. Sometimes I forget I’m wearing headgear. I got pulled over speeding one weekend morning.
So the afternoon I got my braces on we finished up it was almost 5pm. The ortho says you may as well wear your headgear home because it’s after 4pm. After brushing my teeth instructions I practice taking the headgear on and off then leave it on. I drive home (feeling like the world is looking at me right. My boyfriend glances over at me as he cooks dinner. Then he says I thought today was a consult appt? I said so did I. Then he says ” In case you didn’t notice your mouth is full of braces and you have headgear”. Wise ass right?.. . . . .So all this, braces on every tooth, headgear ect. I’ve had my braces almost a yr now and I have never worn rubber bands yet. Has everyone worn rubberbands? Do any of u guys wear headgear? I really don’t mind having braces, even the metal ones, but the headgear is a bummer. I hope I’m not the only young adult who wears headgear. Peace! It would be cool to have some braces friends too <especially dudes
The ultimate shame. Haha I’m kidding, but I’ve never seen a headgear in all of my 17 years. It’s unfortunate, but necessary especially since you started pretty late with your braces. Everybody wears rubber bands at one point or another, to move your lower jaw. It will hurt, trust me, but if beauty is pain then that’s a sacrifice you can do. Just make sure you never miss out on wearing the rubber bands/headgear! You really don’t want a week of not putting them on to add another 6 weeks of wearing braces. I removed my braces last month after 2 1/2 years and trust me when I say that it’s a relief.
yep finished with the braces and headgear and elastic rubber bands now, moved on to bonded retainers and removable TMJ herbst appliance for sleeping, I had to wear my headgear 20 hours a day at the age of 48 and friends would ask where it was if I didn’t wear it , I also found out it HURT way more not to wear it as to wear so I just wore it pretty much all the time, good luck with your out come
That hella long
I have to go back in 6 months and i dont’t know what color to get . I have red hair and hazel eye and freckles on my face . well you help me figure out what color to get
Well, I have Blue/green eyes, and light brown hair. Can anyone suggest me colors??? Need help. Getting them in two days.
I think a light blue with a light purple would be pretty.
In picture number 15 it looks like the guy has really small brackets, are there different sizes? Also a friend told me you can get a colored wire, is this true??
I am not sure about colored wires, What i have know is color rubber we can choose.
I’m having my braces for 1 year and 4 months. Right now I have I have my colors red, white, and blue for 4th of July.
I’m going to put braces tomorrow, what colors will suit me if I have black hair and dark green eyes ?
I am getting braces this Monday and I’m supposed to keep them on for about a year and a half. I am really nervous about starting high school with braces, and I could really use some advice.
Hello, firstly don’t be nervous- its not as bad as you think it’s going to be! About starting high school with braces: you’ll probably find that quite a few people in your year group will have braces as well and braces are not a bad thing either. Just think in a year and a half’s time you’ll have them off and your teeth will look great. I’m fifteen and have had my braces on since January this year and to be honest no one really made a big deal out of it. If you don’t want you braces to be as noticeable I’d probably chose a pale blue or silver kind of colour but not white as sometimes it can make you’re teeth look yellower. Any colour looks good really in my opinion it’s whatever you feel more comfortable with. Personally I’ve had dark blue since January till now as I find it gives the appearance that you’re teeth are whiter. I went to my orthodontist on Thursday and I got a power chain and chose silver and that looks fine too.
Another thing I might add is don’t try and hide your braces and remember to brush your teeth properly. Good luck tomorrow and don’t worry about it and if you have any questions ask your orthodontist when you go and they’ll be able to give loads of advice.
Help I get braces in two days my spacers are killing me and what color should I get.
My nephew is getting one in two week’s time. The choices out there along with emotional roller coster to all involved is just mind boggling. He, on the other hand, is so looking forward to it and can’t wait to get them. *fingers crossed*
Comment: Am a black girl with brown eyes what colour of braces will fit me
If you are dark or tanned then i think gold, teal and orange would suit you. Hope i helped!!
I want to get braces to my son, he’s hairs brown and brown eyes. What color will suit him? Thanks!
Teeth always need extra care, unfortunately most of us forget it. People who are using braces they can’t do this at all. A good care of it will bring back your smile. Some electric toothbrush got extra feature for braces issue. Philips Sonicare HX6731/02 HealthyWhite could be a great choice for them.
Do people need to wear braces for their whole life or for a couple of years?
No not for their whole life, just for a maximum of 5-6years (rarely for this long)
I’m getting braces in 2 months I have short blonde hair and blueish green eyes. What colors do you recommend?
I’m getting braces in 2 months I have blonde hair and blueish green eyes. What colors do you recommend?
I am getting my braxes soon i am worried sick will it hurt i want to know what colour should i get i have brown hair, white skin and brown eyes oh and i mainly wear scarf on my head
:-* :O B-) o_O
I don’t know of I need braces but if I do what colour would suit my very short goldish hair and greeny-blue eyes
P.s on a scale of 1-10 how much do they hurt
I remember when I got braces when I was younger. I didn’t like them at first, but got used to them. I’m glad I got them though, because they really improved my teeth.
My son is going to get braces on next week. He was very afraid at first. I showed him the photos posted here and now he is ok. He understands that he is not only one boy in this world going through such a situation. Thank you guys for helping my son.
Get ready to pick what color you want! I chose navy blue. I also ate chicken nuggets the first day. Braces look good on anyone! Good luck
Tooth brace is not that much difficult thing. As a dental technician I can tell that I have seen much difficult things than doing dental brace. happy to see such beautiful smiles.
I’ll be getting braces in 2 and a halve weeks time. I am excited and nervous.
So yall put mean comments to the 2 black girls only. Okay.
I am getting my braces on 26 July 2016 and am super excited and nervous can anyone please help me.?
Am getting braces tomorrow and am so excited &nervous cause like my sister had braces and she said that they hurt like hell and she made me so scared so anyone please help me
You always get nervous in the beginning, but like everything else in life, you get used to it and so does everyone else. Before you know it, the braces are off and a new smile is in.
I’m getting braces on Monday I have blue eyes and dirty blonde hair what colors should o get
A couple of years ago I thought I looked pretty silly with a braces. Come to think about it and looking at these picture it doesn’t seem to have been so bad now.
Hey I’m getting braces tomorrow what colour should I get I have brown eyes and blonde hair?? Thanks
Dirty blonde hair*
I wonder what would fit me if I have blonde hair and greenish bluish eyes
My daughter is very brave with no worries I am very proud also she is very happy to get braces. The color choice is pink on top purple on bottom is this a good choice ? She is carmel skin. I would appreciate your help.
I Will go to my dentist tomorrow and im having a hard time to choose whats the best color for my braces, i have black hair and brown eyes, I would really appreciate your help ?
My wife is going to get braces next week. Although, she is hesitant about how they look. In fact, she doesn’t like them but I will show her this post that you can still look beautiful while having these on your teeth.
I hated having braces, and unfortunately, my daughter needs to get them as well. She is trying to remain hopeful. The teenage years are tough. I just sent this over to her and hopefully it will raise her spirits!
I am getting braces over summer. And I dont know what color to get. I have dark brown hair going down to dark red. I am in 7th grade. I have blue/green eyes most of the time but it changes too. I have black glasses. And next year I will be an 8th grader. What color should I get???
I won’t need braces for at least the next 3 years. I have only lost 7 teeth…most people my age have lost around 11. I just think that braces look super cool and I can’t wait until I’m an OFFICIAL teenager!
The black woman in picture number 54, is way too beautiful and, even with the braces, she is see still a very beautiful black woman and she always will be a very beautiful
, gorgeous black woman.
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I have light brown hair and blue eyes, what color should I get?
I have light brown hair and blue eyes, what color should I get?
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I have light brown hair and blue eyes. What color should I choose?
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